Incarlopsa reinforces its environmental commitment: 35% of its energy needs will come from clean and renewable sources by the end of 2023

  • The company has installed photovoltaic panels at its production plants located in Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León and Andalucía and has a project underway to increase the power installed at the Tarancón slaughterhouse and the Corral de Almaguer dryer   
  • It is one of the most relevant solar self-consumption initiatives in Spain and in the agri-food sector, with a total installed capacity that will exceed 31 MWp and an anual production of 47 GWh
  • When the new Tarancón and Corral de Almaguer projects are operational, Incarlopsa will have invested around 18M€ in a project framed within the company’s long-term sustainable development model and executed over the last two years

Incarlopsa, a leading company in the production and processing of pork products from Castilla-La Mancha, expects that by the end of 2023, 35% of the energy it needs to produce its products will come from clean and renewable sources, reinforcing the company’s environmental commitment to a sustainable and long-term development model and thus complying in advance with one of the objectives set for 2027 in terms of climate change mitigation: to consume approximately 15% of electrical energy from renewable sources. 

In September 2023, the latest solar self-consumption facilities being developed by the company are scheduled to be commissioned: two photovoltaic installations on the ground that will supply energy to the slaughterhouse that Incarlopsa has in Tarancón (Cuenca) and to the dryer located in the Corral de Almaguer (Toledo), and which will complete the projects that the company has executed on the roofs of its production centers located in Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León and Andalucía.

Both projects will have a total installed power of 14,1 MWp and will involve an investment of 8,2M€, which means that Incarlopsa will have invested a total of 17,63M€ in the last two years to promote the installation of clean and renewable energy sources in its production plants.

When operational, Incarlopsa will have developed one of the most relevant solar self-consumption initiatives in Spain and in the agri-food sector with a total installed capacity of 31,2 MWp and an annual production of 47 GWh dedicated entirely to self-consumption, which will allow the company to avoid the emission of 17,145 tons of CO2 equivalent per year.

“Our commitment to reducing GHG emissions is firm. The development of the decarbonization process initiated in 2021 is a clear demonstration of our commitment to clean and sustainable energy models. A process that will culminate after the summer when the new solar installations currently under construction at our production plants in Tarancón and Corral de Almaguer are commissioned”, explains Victorino Carabantes, Industrial General Manager of Incarlopsa.

A project developed over the last two years and applied to all the company’s production centers 

The solar self-consumption project developed by Incarlopsa began in 2021 with the installation of photovoltaic panels on the roofs of two of its dryers, the one located in Tarancón (Cuenca) and the one located in Olías del Rey (Toledo), which incorporated a technologically advanced solution to preserve the environmental conditions of the production plants: solar panels placed on a structure that was glued directly on the roof, without the need to make holes to anchor the solar panels.

The use of this renewable energy source has also been applied to the rest of the company’s production facilities in Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León and Andalucía. Specifically, solar panels have been installed at the Olías del Rey (2,2 MWp), Tarancón (1,2 MWp), Corral de Almaguer (4,6 MWp) and Jabugo (0,5 MWp) dryers; in the fresh product cutting and packaging plant (1,3 MWp), the processing plant (1,4 MWp) and the slaughterhouse (5,2 MWp) in Tarancón; and in the Iberian sausage factory in Guijuelo (0,7 MWp).

In total, this first phase of the project involved an investment of 9,43 million euros and a total installed capacity of 17,1 MWp, figures to which the investment in the new photovoltaic installations on land in Tarancón and Corral de Almaguer should now be added.