Our facilities

At Incarlopsa we have 10 plants with a high production capacity to serve our customers.

01 Tarancón (Cuenca)

  • Abattoir and cutting room

  • Cutting and packaging

  • Prepared products factory

  • Ham curing facility

  • Slicing facility

02 Olías del Rey (Toledo)

  • Ham curing facility

03 Corral de Almaguer (Toledo)

  • Ham curing facility

04 Guijuelo (Salamanca)

  • Iberian coldcut factory

05 El Repilado (Huelva)

  • Ham curing facility
  • Iberian coldcut factory

06 Jabugo (Huelva)

  • Ham curing facility

Ham curing facilities

Incarlopsa has four plants dedicated to curing and deboning hams, situated in Corral de Almaguer, Olías del Rey, Tarancón and Jabugo, with annual production of five million pieces.


The abattoir that Incarlopsa possesses in Tarancón is one of the most modern and sophisticated in Europe.

Cutting room

The cutting room’s goal is to ensure that the carcases are cut up and the products deposited in their respective compartments in just a few minutes, maintaining the cold chain and microbiological quality.

Prepared products factory

Incarlopsa opened a prepared and traditional products factory in Tarancón in 2004.

That factory, with a production capacity of 36,000 tonnes a year, has the modernest quality and environmental management systems, reducing the impact of production activity on the environment to the minimum.

Cool store

This is one of the main links in the food production chain, since it is vital for conserving perishable products such as meat. Among its facilities, Incarlopsa has a cool store with storage capacity for 4,500 tonnes, thanks to the latest extension undertaken in 2013.

Slicing plant

In the Incarlopsa slicing plant, the hams are stored in a cool store at 0ºC until the moment comes to proceed to the pressing phase to produce our delicious trays of sliced ham.

Iberian Cold-Cut Factory

In Incarlopsa’s Iberian cold-cut factory, located in Guijuelo, we create our range of Iberian cured products. The raw material comes from the pigs we raise and slaughter within Guijuelo county.