Incarlopsa awarded the Creation of Employment Prize by Actualidad Económica


The website highlights the “exemplary value” of entrepreneurs, as they show “many people who don´t know where they are going the way forward”

This Wednesday, the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, underlined the “exemplary value” of entrepreneurs, as they show “many people who don´t know where they are going the way forward

García-Page made this speech at the presentation of the Actualidad Económica Awards for Business Success in Castilla-La Mancha held in Toledo, where he said he was “proud” of a type of entrepreneur “very different to that seen 30 years ago”. “There must always be entrepreneurs”, as this is a “perfect symptom of a region that refuses to give in”, said the regional official, who also predicted that the next few years “are going to be good” and that entrepreneurs “will be bringing good news” for the region. Furthermore, García-Page gave his assurance that although the economy “is extremely important, life is far more so, and that the world in which we live “doesn´t admit unique ideas”. “We will need to understand each other from both the right and the left, from the imperative need for the creation of wealth”. The regional president, who stressed that many businessmen “were already successful before the labour reform”, guaranteed that he will always strive “to strike a balance” to defend all ideas, convinced that “we need to vaccinate ourselves against unique ideas that explain everything”. “Sometimes, ideas from one side are good, while at other times ideas from another side are better, and being in the middle is the best solution, the one that entrepreneurs have successfully put into practice” said Emiliano García-Page. Entrepreneurs, «ESSENTIAL» Previously, the director of Actualidad Económica, Miguel Ángel Belloso, praised the country´s entrepreneurs, which need to be “restored” as they have been “treated unfairly” and are “essential for society to progress”. He also addressed the labour reform, which he argued was a “true driver of change” that has enabled employers to “gain flexibility”, and went on to say that scrapping this reform would be “a huge mistake, a blow to the markets and a reason for risk premiums to rise again”. In his opinion, “this is the only way of overcoming such a cruel recession”, wondering which is better, “this kind of employment, abundant in Germany, or a legion of unemployed people living on subsidies, criticising the “culture that abhors so-called precarious jobs”. Belloso guaranteed that “the number one issue is unemployment”, and that he is convinced that “we need to get people working, even if it´s at a lower price”, and against “the culture of care, which encourages parasites, people who are capable of earning a living but choose not to work”, advocating “the end of the culture of dependency”. Finally, he spoke about the policies new governments could implement, stating that “if they continue to control public spending and economic reforms, the consolidation of employment will be assured”. In turn, the mayor of Toledo, Milagros Tolón, highlighted the “many hours of effort” that entrepreneurial work requires, while stressing that “there is a history of many hours of work behind each name and company name”. Moreover, she pointed out that the province has successful entrepreneurs such as the winners of the awards, who she congratulated. AWARDS. The award for Best Business Initiative went to the new Docout facilities in Tarancon (Cuenca); El Greco 2014 was awarded the prize for Best Public Initiative; Joma Sport was recognised in the field of innovation; Cerveza Sagra as the revelation of the year; Félix Solís in the area of international strategy; and Incarlopsa was awarded the prize for the creation of employment. In turn, the award for Best Entrepreneur went to the managing director of Arcos Hermanos S.A., Roberto Arcos; Best Business Record to the CEO of Industrias Cárnicas Tello, Paulino Tello; the latter awards having being decided by a jury and the former by the readers of the magazine. Roberto Arcos thanked everyone for the award, which he dedicated to the entire workforce and a whole generation of cutlers, stressing that there are “many good entrepreneurs” in the region, while assuring that “every company should be a good neighbour in the society in which it is active”. Paulino Tello, after offering his thanks for the award and saying that his company is “immersed in another project with an investment of over 30 million euros”, declared that Cárnicas Tello is “proud of having created jobs in a depressed area and region, and praised the support of the Local Government, not only in economic terms. The event was attended by the President of the Courts, Jesús Fernández Vaquero; the president of the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Castilla-La Mancha (Cecam), Ángel Nicolás; the chancellor of the regional University (UCLM), Miguel Ángel Collado and, as a sponsor, the corporate business director of Bankia, Faustino Ortiz. Also present were the advisors from the Treasury and Public Authorities, Juan Alfonso Ruiz Molina; Agriculture and Rural Development, Francisco Martínez; Development, Elena de la Cruz, and Finance, Business and Employment, Patricia Franco, together with the heads of the Chambers of Commerce and other economic departments in the region.

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