Incarlopsa renews and expands the zero waste certification for its main production facilities 

  • The company has certified the fresh product cutting and packaging plant, the processed goods factory, both in Tarancón, and its three curing plants in Corral de Almaguer, Olías del Rey and Tarancón, and has renewed the accreditation of the abattoir.
  • In all these production facilities, Incarlopsa has demonstrated the recovery of over 99% of the generated waste, preventing it from ending up in landfill.
  • Incarlopsa has been the first food sector company in Castilla-La Mancha to obtain this certificate after submitting to a demanding but completely voluntary audit.

Tarancón (Cuenca), 17 July 2023.
Based in Castilla-La Mancha, Incarlopsa is a leading company in the production and manufacture of pork products. It has voluntarily renewed and expanded the Zero Waste Management System certification for its main production centres. 

Specifically, it has renewed the certificate for the abattoir Incarlopsa has in the town of Tarancón, Cuenca, including the activities of sacrifice, cutting, slicing and packaging of pork products, and it has certified the fresh product cutting and packaging plant and the processed goods factory, both also in Tarancón, and the company curing plants in Toledo, specifically in Corral de Almaguer and Olías del Rey, as well as in Tarancón. 

The certification of the main production facilities of Incarlopsa recognises that the company has a waste management system aimed at recovery in accordance with the requirements of Regulation RP-CSG-057, which is aligned with the company’s environmental commitment, based on a long-term model of sustainable development promoting the circular economy. It is framed within the line of actions of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the G20, the State Framework Plan for Waste Management (PEMAR), the European Union and Spain in relation to the circular economy.

“The certification of the Zero Waste Management System recognises those organisations that recover the waste they generate, preventing it from ending up in landfill”, explains Antonio Contreras Torres, Director of AENOR in the Castilla-La Mancha office. “The expansion of new production plants of the company shows that Incarlopsa is firmly committed to the efficient management of waste and with its environment”, he adds. 

In the specific case of Incarlopsa, which has been the first food sector company in Castilla-La Mancha to obtain this certificate, it has managed to demonstrate a recovery of 99.37% of the waste generated in the abattoir, the fresh product cutting and packaging plant and in the processed products factory, while the percentage increases to 99.81% with regard to the recovery of waste generated in the three curing plants of the group. 

The zero waste certificate is valid for three years, although the company must submit itself to intermediate monitoring audits during this time to maintain it, as has occurred with the renewal obtained for the activities of sacrifice, cutting, slicing and packaging of pork products carried out in the abattoir.  

About Incarlopsa

Incarlopsa, a 100% Spanish-owned family company with more than 40 years of history, is a reference in the meat sector in Spain. With headquarters in Tarancón (Cuenca) and 10 production centres in Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León and Andalucía, it specialises in the production of fresh, cured and Iberian pork products.  

The Incarlopsa team has doubled in the last few years. The group currently creates 3,600 direct and indirect jobs.

Incarlopsa has a vertical production model that guarantees complete traceability of the production process and maximum quality of the product. Quality, food safety and respect for the environment articulate a leading sustainable management model in its sector, in which innovation plays a key role.

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About AENOR 

AENOR contributes to the transformation of society creating trust between organisations and people through compliance assessment services (certification, inspection and tests), training and information. It is the leading certification organisation in Spain and more than 87,000 workplaces in the world have AENOR certificates in fields such as Quality Management, Sustainability, Verification of Non-financial Information, Animal Welfare, Health and Safety in the Workplace, Digitalisation or Compliance.

Among the distinguishing competitive advantages of AENOR are the highest brand recognition among companies (B2B) and consumers (B2C); having its own personnel, which enables it to manage the accumulated knowledge for the benefit of its clients; innovating in the resolution of new competitiveness gaps thanks to its proximity to sources of knowledge; and its geographical and sectorial distribution. 

AENOR is a global organisation, which already operates in 87 countries. It has 19 offices throughout all the Autonomous Communities in Spain with their own auditors, and has a permanent presence in another 12 countries, mainly in Latin America and Europe.