Incarlopsa participates in its first Europe-wide research project to strengthen biosecurity on farms 

  • The “HE-FARM. From farm to fork through a healthy and resilient environment” project seeks to develop and validate a methodology to assess the biosecurity status of the facilities while testing new technologies to prevent infections.
  • The initiative, framed within the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Program, has a budget of 5 million euros and the participation of 14 organizations from 6 EU countries, among which, in addition to Incarlopsa, also include the Spanish ICPOR and Counterfog TBC of the UAH
  • The project is part of Incarlopsa’s commitment to promote an efficient and sustainable production model that contributes to the modernization of the Spanish pork sector, in line with the European Union’s Farm to Fork program

Incarlopsa, a leading company in the production and processing of pork products from Castilla-La Mancha, participates in the research project “HE-FARM. From farm to fork through a healthy and resilient environment”, an initiative within the framework of the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Program that seeks to develop and validate a methodology to evaluate the state of biosecurity in pig and poultry farms, reducing the entry and transmission routes of different pathogens in all phases of the production chain. 

With the development of this project, Incarlopsa takes a step forward in its commitment to innovation by expanding its field of action to the European level and reinforces its commitment to a model of efficient and sustainable production, in line with the model that is promoted in the Farm to Fork program of the European Union. A commitment shared with ICPOR, company specialized in the integration of white and Iberian pig, which also participates in the project.

To achieve the planned objective, the development and validation of diagnostic and analytical technologies will be combined with disruptive technologies for the elimination of pathogens in different pathways. Among the diagnostic technologies, a rapid detector of the presence of airbone viruses will be generated: porcine reproductive and respiratory síndrome (PRRS) and avian influenza in poultry production. In the case of disruptive technologies to control the different transmission channels, their management will focus on the use of environmentally friendly measures such as low-toxicity insecticides or systems for rapid decontamination (bactericidal and virucidal).

A 3-year project involving organizations from 6 European countries 

The 3-year project, which has obtained the maximun grade and fundinding, has a budget of 5 million euros and the consortium in charge of its development is made up of 14 organizations from 6 EU countries, including research centers and companies.

Specifically, the consortium is led by the University of Alcalá (UAH), whose professor, José Luis Pérez, is the project coordinator, with the collaboration of researchers from the Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA-CSIC; Spain), the French centers Institut Pasteur, Institut National de la Reserche Agronomique (INRA) and Institut de Recherche pour le developpement (IRD); the Instytut Badawczy (Poland); Állatorvostudományi Egyetem (Hungary), the Asociatia de Standardizare din România (ASRO, Romania), and the Associazione Cluster Alta Tecnologia Agrifood Lombardia (CAT.AL, Italy).

On the business side, in addition to Incarlopsa and ICPOR, also part of the consortium is Counterfog EBT of the UAH, a technology-based company (TBC) of the Univertity of Alcalá, and the French company Novaptech.