Liberbank enters into a partnership with Incarlopsa and ICPOR SORIA to promote business development in Castilla La Mancha.


A partnership agreement has been entered into through which the entity will supply funds of 20 million euros for the financing of the companies due to provide services at the fattening farms to be implemented by ICPOR SORIA in Castilla La Mancha.

04 March 2016.- Incarlopsa, ICPOR SORIA and Liberbank have entered into a partnership agreement through which the entity will supply funds of 20 million euros to finance the companies due to provide integrated services at pig fattening farms in Castilla La Mancha. In addition, these companies will access to a comprehensive catalogue of financial products and services under preferential conditions.

The partnership agreement was executed at the Incarlopsa facilities in this town by the company´s CEO, Emilio Loriente Piqueras, the secretary of the ICPOR SORIA Board of Directors, Andrés García Martínez and, on behalf of Liberbank, by the deputy managing director of Banca Comercial de Castilla-La Mancha Este, José Ignacio Martínez Uviedo, and the deputy managing director of Banca de Empresas de Castilla-La Mancha Este, Antonio Hugo Ramírez Valiente.

The aim of this agreement is to promote the development and competitiveness of small, medium and micro-enterprises for the construction of pig fattening farms that provide integrated services to ICPOR SORIA.

ICPOR SORIA, a livestock company and member of the Incarlopsa Group (Mercadona’s inter-supplier of cured Serrano ham and cured cereal and acorn-fed ham and shoulder – in addition to other categories of products – thereby associating this project with Mercadona’s Caspopdona model, strengthening alliances with the primary sector and controlling the entire pig production process – “from the farm to your fork” -) will promote the construction over the next three years of 90,000 fattening spaces for pigs, thereby ensuring the necessary supply to the Incarlopsa slaughterhouse and improving the efficiency of the company´s production processes.

To execute this activity, Liberbank offers beneficiary companies different options of financing, collection, payment and cash services under the best conditions. In addition, they will receive specialist guidance from managers of the entity´s companies and SMEs on adapting the aforementioned services to the profile and needs of each business project.

The business purpose of ICPOR SORIA, a company made up of INCARLOPSA and COPISO SORIA SOC. COOPERATIVA, is the optimisation and improvement of the pork production process to guarantee consumers total control of the same process, permanent food quality and safety and an affordable price.

Incarlopsa (Industrias Cárnicas Loriente Piqueras, S.A) is a Tarancon-based company largely active in the production and processing of meat products with the aim of providing the highest standards of quality and traditional flavours with the best guarantees and the most rigourous health controls. The company is currently implementing the Tarancon slaughterhouse expansion project, consisting of a new pig slaughter plant that is due to become operational in 2017.

This type of agreement will enable Liberbank to promote business development in Castilla-La Mancha, fostering the creation of wealth and employment. Along these lines, more than 4,200 operations were concluded by the entity in the third quarter of 2015 and a total of 222 million euros in loans were granted to small and medium-sized companies in Castilla-La Mancha, which represents around 150% more than in the same period in the previous year.