The meat company Incarlopsa received the annual award of the Family Business Association of C-LM


The Incarlopsa meat company, based in the town of Cuenca Tarancón Tuesday received the annual award of the Association of Family Enterprise of Castilla-La Mancha

The Incarlopsa meat company , based in the town of Cuenca Tarancón Tuesday received the annual award of the Association of Family Enterprise of Castilla -La Mancha , in an event held in the Cigarral of Mercy of Toledo and have attended, among others , the Minister of Employment and the Economy , Carmen Casero, and Secretary of State for Finance , Miguel Ferre , responsible for delivering the distinction .

The regional president of the Family Business Association , Aurelio Vazquez, has reviewed the history of this company Cuenca , whose family ” moved into the city as butchers and snuggles all shoulder to get through ” .

” Rented small ships and bought some cows whose milk was distributed by the people. In 1962 the brothers were engaged in killing pigs in private homes. Thus begins to make a company ,” said Vazquez , detailing that ” in 1965 he joined other of the brothers, who formerly was a mechanic ” .

Thus grew, ” as individuals and as a company ” , then go kill pigs for private houses , ride a slaughterhouse and succeed in creating a commercial network ” that has led them to have 1,200 workers and more than 500 million billing ” .

Therefore, and for having ” walked the name of the region around the country and be able to make a generational transfer integrating a rational professionalization ” is at recognizing the work of this family business “exemplary ,” said Vazquez.

The CEO of the company, Emilio Loriente , commissioned to collect the prize, he was ” proud” to have ” a responsible family and love their work.”

” We are responsible for the smooth running of the economy, and that forces us to the interests of the company are in front of individuals of each of us,” he underlined.