The regional government boosts the growth of the meat producer Incarlopsa through the FOCAL fund as part of its commitment to Tarancon


Martínez Arroyo: “The partnership entered into between the private company from the agri-food sector and the local government is of paramount importance, as the future of regions such as Tarancon depends on this type of initiative, as does the future of our livestock farmers”.

Tarancon (Cuenca), 07 October 2016. – The Regional Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Development, Francisco Martínez Arroyo, has visited the meat producer ‘Incarlopsa’, located in the town of Tarancon in Cuenca. accompanied by this company´s senior management, the town´s mayor, José Manuel López Carrizo, and the provincial director of Agriculture, Joaquín Cuadrado. The regional minister was given a tour of the facilities: the cutting rooms, slicing rooms, smart cold storage warehouse and the works of the new slaughterhouse, partly financed with three million euros of FOCAL aid granted by this Government in 2015. “Incarlopsa is the top-ranked company in Castilla-La Mancha, not only in the agri-food sector, but the top-ranked company in the region in terms of revenue”, a recognition that has not gone unnoticed by the regional government and that the minister wished to transmit through his visit. In addition to conveying the commitment of the president, Emiliano García-Page, to these companies that are successfully generating employment and that will continue to do so, as stated by the CEO, Clemente Loriente with the expansion of its facilities involving an investment of 38 million euros, three of them financed through the Ministry of Agriculture FOCAL initiative. The work on the slaughterhouse is expected to be concluded in February – March 2017. In this sense, the Minister of Agriculture for Castilla-La Mancha praised the creation of new jobs and declared that the regional government will help generate this employment. Indeed, “the investment project that will radically change this company and its commitment to Tarancon will enjoy the support of the regional government of Castilla-La Mancha in the form of more than 3 million euros. The partnership entered into between the private company from the agri-food sector and the local government is of paramount importance, as the future of regions such as Tarancon depends on this type of initiative, as does the future of our livestock farmers”; in this case pig farmers, which are the ones that supply the company with raw material”, he explained. As far as Martínez Arroyo is concerned, “when talking about integration projects that guarantee livestock farmers´ production is purchased, we are talking about guaranteeing income, wealth and the survival of the rural environment in Castilla-La Mancha”, a priority which has been specifically reiterated by the Regional Minister of Agriculture. Finally, the minister recalled that this type of project is essential for the Government of Castilla-La Mancha due to the fact “it was only at the time of the first call for aid for the agri-food industry consisting of 50 million euros from the 2015 FOCAL fund that they were able to mobilise more 325 million euros of private investment from companies in the five provinces, and Incarlopsa is one of the biggest. The next call for FOCAL aid is due to be even bigger, consisting of 70 million euros, and will be published this autumn, including the wine sector.