The Incarlopsa Group, through the R+D+i Department, is developing a new R+D project, whose title is “DEVELOPMENT OF HYPERSPECTRAL VISION TECHNOLOGY FOR THE CONTROL OF HYGIENIC QUALITY IN THE MEAT INDUSTRY (VISIONMEAT)”. The general objective of this project consists of the development of a new hygienic control system in the meat industry that allows real-time detection of microbial contamination, foreign bodies and defects, in a non-destructive or non-invasive way through the use of advanced technologies. Multispectral in combination with artificial intelligence.

To carry out the project, the company has the collaboration of AINIA, which is role is to carry out the selection of multispectral inspection techniques for the microbiological control of both meat and surfaces, and collaborate in the design and development of the demonstrators and, finally, it provide support and technical assistance of the systems in real production conditions.

On the other hand, it also has the collaboration of BCB to support the selection of multispectral inspection techniques (thermography) for the microbiological control of both meat and surface. BCB collaborates in the design and development of demonstrators and provides support and assistance to develop technical systems in real production conditions. The project also has the support of TAVIL to carry out the development of algorithms based on the use of iot, deep learning and artificial intelligence for the reduction of hygienic defects; with the collaboration of NUNSYS to carry out the development of artificial vision and convolution neural networks for detection of hygienic defects. Inndeo carries out the improvement of hyperspectral imaging and chemical imaging technology for the detection of hygienic defects, in addition to supporting, together with BCB, in the development of the demonstrators. Finally, there is also the support of IMASDE to carry out its management and coordination, in addition to provide scientific support for the analysis of the results.

To conclude, the VISIONMEAT project, was included in the call for PID grants managed by the CDTI, with an approved budget of €1,165,694.00 for the entire project. CDTI’s contribution to carry out its execution is €990,839.90, of which €174,854.10 are in the form of a grant.